Session 3: Cost & Income Forecasting
3a. Revenue/ Expense Forecast 3b. Revenue/Expense Worksheet 3c. Forecasting Breakeven3d. Annual Forcasting Model 3e. Uses and Sources of Funds
1. Self-Assessment
2. Business Idea
3. Cost & Income
4. Business Proposal
5. Monitor Progress
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Module 3a: Revenue / Expense Forecast

Developing a forecast often seems like a mysterious process, but it is no more complex than listing the revenues you expect to receive through your sales activities and the expenses you will incur in securing those sales and operating the business.

Instructions: List the various sources of revenue you expect to earn, and the expense categories you are likely to incur. This exercise is just to get you thinking about these issues - there is no right or wrong. This is a place to start with your rough thinking. These items will become part of your Forecasting Worksheet and further refined later in this session. Once again, discuss these ideas with your mentor or counselor to gain perspective and improve your ideas.

Sources of Revenue Annual Sales Amount
Total Sales Amount $0.00
Expense Categories Anticipated Annual Costs
Total Expenses $0.00
Net Profit/Loss $0.00

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