Session 4: Business Proposal
4a. Description of Business 4b. Reasons to Start 4c. Your Qualifications 4d. Market Opportunity 4e. Pricing Strategy 4f. Marketing and Outreach
4g. Bookkeeping and Accounting 4h. Funding Requirements 4i. Profit / Loss Forecast Summary
1. Self-Assessment
2. Business Idea
3. Cost & Income
4. Business Proposal
5. Monitor Progress
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Summary Session 4

The following form will allow you to now re-summarize and assemble your business ideas into a business proposal. This business proposal format is suitable for your internal planning purposes, for sharing information with others who may have a reason to care about your business operation, and for supporting financing from some outside source such as Vocational Rehabilitation.

Please fill in questions proceeded by a double asterisk and marked in red

1. Description of your proposed self-employment business

2. Reasons for wanting to start your own business versus working for someone else

3. List training and experience that qualifies you to start, manage and operate your proposed business

4. Describe evidence of need for your proposed service or business in your community

5. Explain how the pricing for your product/service is both competitive and will give you a fair profit

6. Describe plans and arrangements for merchandising, marketing, business development, advertising and for getting the cooperation and interest of the community in the enterprise

7. Describe how you will set up and maintain accounting records for the new business

8. Estimate the total amount of money you will need to start the business and the proposed source of the funds

9. Financial estimates for the first 12 months of operation including estimated expenses, income, profit, taxes, income after taxes, and other money income from sources other than the business (e. g., Social Security, spouses wages, retirement pensions, etc.)

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