Promoting self-employment for individuals with disabilities
Module 4b: Management Skills Inventory
Instructions: Check the box that best matches your self-perceived skill level per each category.
Please fill in questions proceeded by a double asterisk and marked in red
Working With People Communication; verbal and written
Negotiating skills
Resolving conflict
Coordinating human resources
Accepting responsibility
Social skills
Professional conduct
Organization and Planning Establishing goals
Achieving goals
Managing time
Maintaining work schedules
Cash Management Establishing budgets
Negotiating deals
Bill paying
Loan/credit history
Record keeping
Tax preparation
Maintaining profits
Selling Ideas, Products and Services Ability to convince others
Meeting sales goals
Presentation skills
Overcoming objections
Facilitating outcomes
Managing Resources Effective delegating
Monitoring performance
Motivating others
Dealing with change
Overcoming challenges
Risk Taking Self confidence
Strategic planning
Assess outcomes
Follow through
Reward oriented
Independence and Leadership Leadership skills
Self disciplined
Self directed
Work independently
Personality Traits Over achiever
Take charge
Work hard
Performance standards
Product, Service or Other Specialized Knowledge Research
Information processing
Knowledge integration
Customer Service Problem solving
Delivering on promises
Satisfying needs