Session 6: Forecasting
6a. Why Forecast? 6b. Forecasting - The Seven Steps 6c. Breakeven Analysis6d. Cash Flow Management 6e. Financial Calculators 6f. Profit / Loss Forecast Summary

1. Self-Assessment
2. Business Idea
3. Market Analysis
4. Management Skills
5. Business Planning
6. Forecasting
7. Financing
8. Support Help
9. Venture Launch
10. Monitor Progress
Graduation Certificate

Module 6f: Profit/Loss Forecast Worksheet

In 6a, you started a listing of the sources you expect to generate revenues from and a listing of expenses you felt you were likely to incur. In this worksheet, you will refine these rough numbers even more, based on what you have now learned about the forecasting process.

Instructions: This exercise is designed to help you understand the forecasting process and to identify all of the revenues and expenses you are likely to incur. If there are other categories that are not listed, add them. If some categories do not pertain to your operation, ignore them. Be as inclusive as possible.

Line Revenue Categories Projected Example
1 Sales Revenues - Product 1 (Quantity x Unit Price) $ $166,500.00
2 Sales Revenues - Product 2 (Quantity x Unit Price) $  
3 Sales Revenues - Product 3 (Quantity x Unit Price) $  
4 Sales Revenues - Product 4 (Quantity x Unit Price) $  
5 Sales Revenues - Services (Hours x Price per Hour) $ $12,300.00
6 Other Revenue Source(s) $ $200.00
  Total Sales Revenues $0.00 $179,000.00

Expense Categories

  Variable Costs Projected Example
7 Cost of Goods/Materials $ $42,350.00
8 Direct Labor $ $23,400.00
9 Payroll Taxes $ $2,340.00
10 Production Facilities; electricity, heat, water, etc. $ $1,800.00
11 Health Insurance $ $4,200.00
12 Freight-In $ $825.00
13 Truck Expense $ $2,200.00
14 Equipment Maintenance $ $750.00
15 Worker's Compensation Insurance $ $100.00
16 Miscellaneous or Other $ $65.00
  Total Variable Costs $0.00 $78,030.00
  Gross Profit $0.00 $100,970.00
  Fixed Costs
(Costs not related to changes in output/sales)
Projected Example
17 Administrative Salaries $ $6,600.00
18 Owner's Compensation $ $6,600.00
19 Payroll Taxes $ $4,200.00
20 Health Insurance $ $5,400.00
21 Rent (or Mortgage Interest) $ $12,500.00
22 Other Interest $ $750.00
23 Legal and Accounting $ $1,650.00
24 Property Taxes $ $1,875.00
25 Utilities (Power and Heat) $ $540.00
26 Postage and Shipping $ $750.00
27 General Insurance $ $950.00
28 Office Supplies and Equipment $ $1,350.00
29 Depreciation $ $850.00
30 Telephone $ $550.00
31 Travel $ $1,350.00
32 Miscellaneous or Other $ $250.00
  Total Fixed Costs $0.00 $46,165.00
  Net Profit/Loss $0.00 $54,805.00

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