Module 8: Resource Networks
8a. SBA 8b. Banking 8c. Schools 8d. Professionals 8e. Business Incubators Summary

1. Self-Assessment
2. Business Idea
3. Market Analysis
4. Management Skills
5. Business Planning
6. Forecasting
7. Financing
8. Support Help
9. Venture Launch
10. Monitor Progress
Graduation Certificate

Module 8a: Your Resource Network Worksheets - SBA

The US Small Business Administration (SBA) offers financing, training, and advocacy for small firms. The SBA has offices in every state, including the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. In addition, the SBA works with thousands of lending, educational and training institutions nationwide. If your business is independently owned and operated, not dominant within its field, and falls within size standards, the SBA can be a useful resource. Each state has a US Small Business Administration (SBA) office and a Small Business Development Center (SBDC) network, cosponsored with the SBA and state-based college or university systems. These SBDCs employ professional counselors who provide guidance to small businesses at no charge. SCORE is another SBA-affiliated counseling network where business executives volunteer their time to assist smaller companies at no cost. Contact information for your local offices is listed in BUZGate.

Instructions: Call, then visit each of these organizations - build your network

Please fill in questions proceeded by a double asterisk and marked in red

SBA Office

Contact Person
Date of Contact
Result of Contact

SBDC Office

Contact Person
Date of Contact
Result of Contact

SCORE Office

Contact Person
Date of Contact
Result of Contact
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