Session 3: Market Research & Analysis
3a. Market Profile Worksheet 3b. Advertising & Marketing Strategy Summary

1. Self-Assessment
2. Business Idea
3. Market Analysis
4. Management Skills
5. Business Planning
6. Forecasting
7. Financing
8. Support Help
9. Venture Launch
10. Monitor Progress
Graduation Certificate

Module 3a: Market Profile Worksheet

The place to start your Market Research is with what you already know. Write out the answers to the following questions. Don't worry if you don't know or are unsure of the answers. The analysis will show you what you need to know and in the context of why you need to know it. Once you have established what additional information you need and why you need it, the process of finding the information is much easier because it all makes much more sense.

Instructions: Review each question thoughtfully. Jot down what comes into your mind first. If you don't know the answer, skip that question and move on to the next. Areas left blank will identify issues where further market research and/or the advice of an experienced counselor may help. There are no right or wrong answers. Discuss your answers with your mentor/counselor.

Please fill in questions proceeded by a double asterisk and marked in red

1. Who is your market?

2. What is the present size of the market?

3. What percent of the market will you have?

4. What is the markets' growth potential?

5. As the market grows, will your share increase or decrease?

6. Who are your five nearest competitors?

7. How is their business: steady, increasing, decreasing, why?

8. How are their operations similar or dissimilar to yours?

9. What are their strengths and weaknesses?

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