Session 5: Business Plan
5a. Biz Plan 5b. Biz Plan Outline 5c. Biz Definition 5d. Sample Biz Plans 5e. Biz Plan Counseling Summary

1. Self-Assessment
2. Business Idea
3. Market Analysis
4. Management Skills
5. Business Planning
6. Forecasting
7. Financing
8. Support Help
9. Venture Launch
10. Monitor Progress
Graduation Certificate

Module 5c: Business Definition

Throughout this course, you already have been, and will continue to be, developing all of the components of a sound business plan. Below are questions that relate to particular aspects of defining the business.

Instructions: Review each question thoughtfully. Jot down what comes into your mind first. If you don't know how to answer, skip that question and move on to the next. Areas left blank will identify issues where further thought and the advice of experienced counselors or consultants may help. There are no right or wrong answers. Think about your answers and talk them over with someone else - your partner, mentor or counselor. Using this as a basis for discussion can often uncover other issues affecting the business development process.

Please fill in questions proceeded by a double asterisk and marked in red

Describe what your business will do and/or what need(s) it will satisfy

Describe your target market - who your business will serve

Describe the competition and how you will gain market share

Describe the operation - Hours, suppliers, other relevant aspects

Describe where the business will be located and why

Describe who will be part of the management team and why - what skills do they bring?

List other personnel that will be needed - are they available? And at what price?

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