Session 5: Business Plan
5a. Biz Plan 5b. Biz Plan Outline 5c. Biz Definition 5d. Sample Biz Plans 5e. Biz Plan Counseling Summary

1. Self-Assessment
2. Business Idea
3. Market Analysis
4. Management Skills
5. Business Planning
6. Forecasting
7. Financing
8. Support Help
9. Venture Launch
10. Monitor Progress
Graduation Certificate

Summary Session 5

In this session the goal is to begin to develop a description of the business you want to create. In the Defining the Business worksheet, you began to set down some of your ideas about your new venture. We also provided links to sample business plans and other sources of help in the process.

Now, summarize you business idea and discuss the ideas with someone else - your partner, mentor or counselor. Using this as a basis for discussion can often uncover other issues affecting the business development process. But remember - this is you plan for your idea - the key to developing a successful business plan and strategy is to make it all personal.

Please fill in questions proceeded by a double asterisk and marked in red

1. What is your business?

2. Why will it succeed?

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